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Hey! It's lovely to see you here. I am Natalie: I am a handbalancer, theatre maker and teacher.

I do handstands, yes!

I stand on my hands and doing so for more than 30 years has allowed me to develop The Art of Handbalancing: I create choreographically modern, fresh and interesting movement patterns and balancing shapes that make handstands look like dance.

I also create full length shows for theatres, festivals and public spaces.

These performances combine poetry, acrobatics and dance and talk about what motivates us to do what we do in life and in art. (I do handstands because secretly I would like to be a superhero, strong and invincible!...and for a few moments on stage, that's just what I become!)

I teach handstands and I develop coaching concepts

that optimize high intensity acrobatic training, integrate affirmative teaching methods and encourage independent thinking through workshops and online courses.

Upcoming Dates & News

  • 28. August | Villa Flair Nürnberg | Lila Laster Ladies
  • 29. August - 1. September | Straßenkulturfest Nordhorn | Best of
  • 8. September | Kulturpromenade Monheim | Best of
  • 9./10. September | Performance Paderborn | Lila Laster Ladies
  • 11. September | Piesberger Gesellschaftshaus | Stones and Water
  • 14. September | Comedy Arts Festival Moers | Lila Laster Ladies
  • 11. October | Jacksons Lane Theatre London | Natalie Inside Out
  • 17. October | Landmark Theatre Peterborough | Natalie Inside Out
  • 25. October | Lighthouse Poole | Natalie Inside Out
  • 14./15. November | Circomedia Bristol | Natalie Inside Out


For bookings, collaborations, workshops or teaching please use the contact form.

Either me or one of my producers will then get in touch with you.

I live and work in London and Germany.
